Thursday, April 14, 2011

Heaven on Earth

     In such a stressful time of life, sometimes it's nice just to take a step back. Stop worrying about the matter at hand for just a moment, and breathe. Just... relax. Here is the most relaxing moment I've ever had in my life.
     5:30 a.m., January 2 2009, my dad and I just climbed into the blind on our annual New Year's deer hunt. It's quiet as can be outside, and only the light of the dimly lit sky sheds visibility onto the Texas landscape. I sit down, take a deep breath, and exhale to see my breath appear before me, however as one might think I did not feel cold. I had dressed well for the morning. It was time to wait.
     The sun slowly rose in the east, bringing the warm colors of the plains alive from their hiding in the night. We could practically see the dew setting on the mixed grasses surrounding us, and the night fog was pierced and disappeared with the coming of the sunlight. I had nearly forgotten about the purpose of my presence until the sounds of life burst forth from the scene.
     Before we saw any deer at all, nearly a hundred turkeys filled the pasture, the toms strutting around like high school freshman in pursuit of their first date. Turkey are funny birds, yet keen and beautiful at the same time. I again forgot my purpose for the morning.
    Finally, as what seemed to be Pachelbel's Canon in Gobble came to a close, the deer ascended from the deep brush where they had been bedded for the night, creeping along the outside of the field as not to intrude with the symphony in the middle. I saw my target, the young buck with a wide antler spread and clearly the dominant male of his chums. My relaxation was beginning to fade with nervousness of the shot I was about to make. I put it past me, took my aim and pulled the trigger.
    At that moment, I saw the deer I had pursued drop to the ground. And the funny thing is, the entire scene experienced no change; the deer didn't move, the turkey continued their serenade, and the sun shined just as bright. I looked at the beautiful scene and embraced my success, and felt more relaxed than I had ever felt in my life.
     In no other place do I feel more relaxed or at home than in the wild, raw world that the Lord has provided. And I will stand by that til I die.

1 comment:

  1. Impressive Luke- both in your skills as a hunter and a writer. That was well written, to the point that I felt as if I were there with you. To be perched above the land, sitting, waiting, and watching, it is no wonder that you were able to experience serenity in such a magnificent landscape. Keep up the good work! I look forward to reading more of your blog posts!
