Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Great Outdoors

     If you didn't catch on in my blog about hunting and my most relaxing moment, I love the outdoors more than anything in the world. Whether it be hunting, fishing, camping or just going for a walk, I just can't get enough of this beauty that the good Lord provided for all of us. For this instance though, I want to talk about a spur of the moment camping trip two friends and I took just a few weeks ago that I will never forget, specifically that night.
     We had just returned from a game of night golf, all pretty exhausted and pretty much ready to settle down at camp. The weather was perfect: slightly warm, but a cool breeze blowing without fail keeping us comfortable. Unfortunately, there was a burn ban in the county (much needed though, seeing that this place was near the Possum Kingdom area that is being ravaged by wildfires currently), but in reality we needed no fire to be happy.
     Make fun of me all you want for this next statement, but there's just something that happens when fine men get together with fine tobacco. Something great. As Tyler and I lit our cigars for the occasion, he, Ryan and I started talking, talking about pretty much anything. Of course there was talk of women and such things like relationships (what we have come to call "bro talk"), and it's talk like that that really lets you take a load of. Emotions like that can really build up and be a big burden, and I know I don't only speak for myself when I say it feels great to get that stuff off your chest.
     The fine conversation continued, stuff we were excited to hear, and maybe even some truths we didn't want to accept but we knew we had to. Unadulterated fellowship and conversation is great, and combined with a great smoke with great friends and some of the most beautiful stars I have seen in ages, I could not have felt like I could be at a better place in my life.
    As the glow our our cigars began to fade away along with our abilities to keep our eyes open, sleep was now on our minds. We had set up a tent, but we all had a better idea for that night; there was no way we weren't sleeping under the beautiful show God put up for us in the sky. So with that we slipped into our sleeping bags, laying against the long, Texas grass ready to sleep under the stars. It took me a long time to fall asleep last night, but in the best way possible. Never did I close my eyes to put myself to sleep, I simply stared into the eyes of the beautiful beast that was the night sky, littered with light that I know only my God could have put there with his own hands.
     I don't remember when I fell asleep that night, but I do remember waking up later than I ever expected to in the heat of the sun, with no memory of dreams but only of those euphoric few hours my friends and I spent with mother nature the night before.

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