Today was a huge day. I finally had my very first, wait for it, meeting with an ESL student. Granted it was not my own assigned one (Hannah invited me to come hang out with hers) but it was good to finally get an idea for what was going on in this far away land of foreign people.
The first thing I noticed was how strong her English seemed to be in the first place. From what I knew, these kids were not that familiar with the English language that well, yet Young seemed to be doing a fine job communicating with it. I thought to myself if I was hanging out with a bunch of Spanish speaking students, I would have no chance keeping up with them. Even after four or so years of class it would be really, really difficult to do so.
It was very interesting to see Young struggle with words, too. We were discussing the weather, comparing that of Korea and here. She said summers in Korea are hot, but different because of something. She tried to communicate that something, but just couldn't think of it so she busted out her little translator and showed me the word "moisture." I knew instantly: Korea is very humid. Hannah and I laughed and brought up Houston and how it must be similar.
When Hannah asked me if I wanted to meet with her conversation partner and her, I assumed we would just go somewhere were we could sit down and talk, but oh how was I wrong. We actually went to the Rec to play a little game of pool. It was nice because it was almost like an icebreaker for me; I got to interact and be competitive with her without struggle to keep up a conversation or anything. She was good too, I had to leave early, but from what I know when I left she picked up her game and schooled Hannah in our little game of cutthroat.
The last thing that struck me as so funny was Young's interaction with Hannah; she seemed to be acting like they were best friends, grabbing her arm when she laughed and such. Guess I just assumed that we Americans are far more touchy-feely that those of the eastern hemisphere, but I guess sometimes there are exceptions. Young and Hannah just seemed like besties, I was slightly jealous.
I'm glad you had a good time! It was fun being able to hang out with both you and her! I think Young had a good time getting to know you as well! After you left, she told me how nice she thought you were. It was refreshing reading this post. It was nice to see our interactions from a different perspective. It made me realize how easily we have become friends. I'm not sure I would say we've quite reached the point of "besties," but we certainly have been lucky to get to know each other so well. I have really enjoyed this experience of meeting with Young!